The Council of State met on 18th June 1996 and, considering the principles established in the Joint Portuguese-Chinese Declaration, specifically those concerning legislative and judicial autonomy of the Macao Territory, has decided to issue an opinion in favour of the Proposal for the Alteration of the Organic Status of Macao, in accordance with sub-paragraph f)of Article 148 and paragraph 3 of Article 292 of the Constitution of the Republic in accordance with the legally required Opinion which was approved unanimously. On this point of the Agenda the Governor of Macao provided information to the Council of State, exceptionally and at the invitation of His Excellency the President of the Republic. The Council considered it necessary for complementary information to be obtained concerning point 2 on the Agenda. Members of the Council of State, Alberto João Jardim, Madruga da Costa, Mário Soares, Manuel Alegre and Eurico de Melo presented excuses to His Excellency the President of the Republic for their absence from this meeting of the Council. |